Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Balls, Emotions and Money, Money, Money

So today's post is a very short one, as well as a very late one as I've had a very busy and hectic day with a lot to think about. My mum and I got up earlier than usual to go shopping for my Leaver's Ball dress. My school hosts a Leaver's Ball which we arrange ourselves with the budget they give us. We have decided to have ours at the Thistle Hotel, meaning dress is pretty formal so me and my mum decided to take a trip to our local shopping centre to check out some dresses :).

We stopped off at my school first of all to pick up my Yearbook and also Leaver's Hoodie and as I started reading the Yearbook in the car, I didn't realise how emotional I would get! I think it's just beginning to dawn on me that some of the people I see all the time and hear about, I'm never going to see again. It's definitely a bittersweet part of life because I know this summer is going to be the best ever and I can't wait to see what I get up to in the next few years, but then I will miss some of the people I don't talk to as much, so so much! 

We did in the end manage to pick up a couple of dresses in the end for me to decide between; both maxis and both ball appropriate, however it's so late now I haven't been able to photograph either, so that will have to come at a later date. I then kind of got thinking how I'm spending so much money on a dress and shoes and makeup etc for one night and I don't even know where the want to buy it all came from. Like I understand it's a ball and our last night all together but is it really worth all that money? And would the boys be spending this much on suits? Like exactly what is the difference? I'd much prefer to spend the money on summer clothes I'm going to wear all the time. But we don't. We spend £200 odd an outfit for one event. Because it's the thing to do. The thing is, am I buying them because I really want them or because everyone else is buying new clothes and makeup as it's an important pinpoint in our lives? Well even I don't know the answer so I can't see how you trying to work it out will help. Because I can't confirm or deny. We also took a stupidly idiotic trip to Primark to see if there was any good bargains and ended up walking out with about 20 items to try on at home. Mind, all but two, will be returning as I wasn’t too impressed with their quality this month. But that’s me. The picky shopper. Ha ha!

I had to look after the kids until 8:15 this evening which was emotionally and physically draining as both were under 6, meaning Frozen and Football were the main priorities. Mind, who am I to turn down Frozen...?

Exhausted, sleepy and aching all over, it is finally time to let my head hit the pillow and dream of ball gowns, hair up-do’s and all things girly. Hopefully tomorrow will be more photo inspiring and less wordy. I'll leave with a pretty fruitful quote I found which pretty much refers to the rest of my life as I know it.



Monday, 16 June 2014

Foundation Free, Painted Nails and Murder Mysteries

Today was another chilled out, relaxing kinda day and I just managed to get some errands done around the house to hopefully get my life on track since losing my purse a few weeks ago. I didn't wanna get fully dressed or anything as there was no point but mum had to pick the kids up at 3 so I did want to look somewhat appropriate for when they arrived. Instead of using foundation, which I felt was a bit too heavy for a day in, I just wore my Collection Concealer in 01 Fair and my Rimmel Stay Matte Powder in 002 Peach Blossom, with my Real Techniques Powder Brush. I usually use 001 Translucent but when I went to repurchase they had sold out so tried the next shade which seems to give me a nicer colour than the lighter one. I've really been enjoying it as it fits nicely with the summer and being tanned and makes me look less white than usual! Its been nice to not be fully caked in makeup as the concealer gives enough coverage but still feels smooth and fresh on your face. A definite staple for those summery, hot days.

I also painted my nails last night as I was pretty bored, hadn't painted them in a while and they've grown quite a lot recently so thought they would look nicer. I used Essie's Eternal Optimist as a base which is a lovely warm pink and then added Sinful Colours' Frenzy on top in a slight gradient to add some purple glitter and shine in an ombré to my nails. I love the effect it gives!!

The kids were whinging a lot to play Cluedo so I finally caved in and played. I'd forgotten how much I used to love playing it! AND I won 2 games out of 3. Kids- 0, Sophie- 1.

For a chilled out day I actually feel shattered and can't wait for an early night. A movie before bed is definitely in order. 10 Things I Hate About You or The Hangover...? Hmm, decisions, decisions.



Sunday, 15 June 2014

Cupcakes, Chocolate and Dad's

Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there! I love these days because I get to fully show my parents how much I respect and love them. I mean in a nutshell, I see these days as slightly pointless as I know that my mum and dad know I love them every day but to have one whole day dedicated to them is the least they deserve so obviously I love to make a fuss! Cue cringey photos...

I also got to finally bake my cupcakes after waiting for so long and finding it difficult to stop myself from baking them early! Like a true Rowland, I decided to alter the recipe slightly and add in some white and dark chocolate chips into the mixture to give them a gooey chocolate texture in the middle. Mmm mmm mmm!

 I'm sooo happy with the way they turned out! I did use green food colouring to dye the frosting for the golf ones, even though it looks white on camera! Such a great day doing what I love best and there was no better way to end it than a takeaway Chinese with all the family. Happy and stuffed. :) 



Saturday, 14 June 2014

Wrapping, Recipes and Tea Chatter

Have loved having such a chilled day today, because everyone has to put up their feet once in a while don’t they? Watched Meet the Fockers again which I haven’t seen in agessss and I laughed a hell of a lot! Love that film! I definitely enjoy the old classics a lot more than new films, I think it’s because I already know I’ll enjoy it before it’s even begun. Ha ha!

I also got Dad’s Father’s Day present all sorted and wrapped which I enjoyed highly. I decided to make him a hamper of surprises including; a picture which I made myself of my dad and I, a Pic’N’Mix sweet jar, some novelty 'Super Dad' socks, a sci-fi film, some popcorn, some Pringles and a meerkat garden statue. As well as my hand-made Minion card. I always think if a gift looks like something you would be happy to receive, then you've done a good job!

Events in the calendar are always a fab excuse to bake and so I snatched that opportunity right up! I looked around on Pinterest and on Google and then finally found a set of cupcakes which I really wanted to bake! I’ve watched the ‘SacconeJoly’s’ on Youtube for ages (check out their page here) and Anna baked some Father’s Day cupcakes with her little girl Emilia last Sunday. With a golf theme they were perfect for my Dad, as well as my Granddad! The recipe I'm going to use is posted down below as well as a picture of the cupcakes from Anna’s video that helped me :).


For the chocolate cupcakes:
-2 cups plain flour
-1 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
-1 teaspoon salt
-1/4 teaspoon baking powder
-1 cup hot water
-2/3 cup baking cocoa (I used Cadbury's Bourneville)
-3/4 cup shortening
-1 1/2 cups caster sugar
-2 eggs
-1 teaspoon vanilla

Set your oven to 175C
Mix the flour, baking soda, salt and baking powder in one bowl 
Mix the cocoa powder and hot water in a separate bowl
Mix the shortening with an electric whisk for 30 secs, add the sugar and beat for 2 mins until fully combined
Then, beat in the eggs one at a time, as well as the vanilla
Mix in the flour and the chocolate mixture, alternating between each of them
Fill the cases until 2/3 of the way full
Pop in the oven for 20-25 mins

For the vanilla buttercream frosting:
-6 cups powdered sugar
-2/3 cup butter, softened
-1 tablespoons vanilla
-3-4 tablespoons milk

Beat the icing sugar and butter together
Add the vanilla and milk
Frost cupcakes with a knife until smooth 

For the decoration:
-3-4 digestive biscuits smashed up in a food processor
-Green food colouring/icing
-Green muffin cases
-Mints or any kind of white gumball candies
-Coloured straws
-Coloured paper (I used post-it notes!)

So I've bought all the ingredients that I needed (which I didn't already have) and decided to bake them tomorrow so that they’re fresh for after dinner later in the evening. As Anna’s recipe is for 24 I decided that was a bit too many of all of one style so after searching again, found the idea of using the same frosting on top of the cakes and then placing 2 or 3 pieces of a chocolate bar, either something like a Mars bar or Snickers, on the top.

I’m also starting a health kick ready for my recently booked girl’s holiday in Magaluf in August and so wanted to try out a new flavour of tea as I am one hell of a tea lover. I’ve tried out a few different ones but never Jasmine Green Tea, which I gave a try tonight. I used the Twinings brand, which I’ve used before and really liked. Calming drink to end a calming day.



Friday, 13 June 2014

Anger, Minion's and Sweets

Ever been so annoyed at yourself for not keeping up with a goal that you feel like physically punching yourself in the face? No me neither, I'd never want to injure my own face. But this comes pretty close. As it's just about an hour into the next day and I haven't managed to upload this post on the correct day. Annoyed is an understatement. But the world will just have to deal with my hectic and forgetful lifestyle as there will now have to be two posts closely written together. You'd think I would remember to write about myself easily wouldn't you? Well clearly my brain does not work normally.

Today has been pretty revolved around my dad, as Father's Day is coming up, today was the perfect opportunity for me to sort out presents, plan what I'm gonna do and go shopping, which lets face it is everyone's favourite part. (Mind as I've gotten older I've began to dislike trawling around shops for hours on end and would much rather spend my time online, however with two days to Father's Day, this was definitely not an option!) I know you don't usually 'plan' Father's Day or presents but my artistic streak seems to always want to do something more special and keepsake than just a mug and chocs. I found a great card idea on Pinterest and wanted to try it out myself, since my dad and I both loooove Despicable Me, it's pretty perfect.

I also wanted to give my dad something film themed as the hamper I'm making is all to do with cinema and movie nights and what do kids (big kids especially) love eating at the cinema?! Pic N Mix. It had to be! Plus I'd love it...so why wouldn't he? So I squashed all of his faves into one big jar :). Very happy daughter.

Why is it that I always seem to get more excited at giving people presents that receiving them? cough *because I'm a great human being* cough. I think it's wrapping things up and making things look arty and sophisticated. Definitely my Arty side shining through.

Such a busy day and a well deserved cuppa is in order I think...even though it's 01:11am. Let's hope tomorrows post will be on time, detailed and just as bonkers as this one. We can only hope...



Thursday, 12 June 2014

A New Beginning for a New Girl

Realistically, we all have things that we want to say but for some reason feel unable to or obliged not to. A saying I just love is "You are confined only by the walls you build yourself." So in a matter of words, the barriers you put up yourself are the reasons behind your ability to be 'free' and therefore to speak. 

Anyway enough of the rambling, this blog will basically be me speaking my mind and sharing the memories of my day to day life. Whether it's read by anyone or just serves as a set of memoirs and diary to look back on in my later life, at least it's something that I know I've done myself and can enjoy :)

