Sunday, 15 June 2014

Cupcakes, Chocolate and Dad's

Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there! I love these days because I get to fully show my parents how much I respect and love them. I mean in a nutshell, I see these days as slightly pointless as I know that my mum and dad know I love them every day but to have one whole day dedicated to them is the least they deserve so obviously I love to make a fuss! Cue cringey photos...

I also got to finally bake my cupcakes after waiting for so long and finding it difficult to stop myself from baking them early! Like a true Rowland, I decided to alter the recipe slightly and add in some white and dark chocolate chips into the mixture to give them a gooey chocolate texture in the middle. Mmm mmm mmm!

 I'm sooo happy with the way they turned out! I did use green food colouring to dye the frosting for the golf ones, even though it looks white on camera! Such a great day doing what I love best and there was no better way to end it than a takeaway Chinese with all the family. Happy and stuffed. :) 



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