Today was another chilled out, relaxing kinda day and I just managed to get some errands done around the house to hopefully get my life on track since losing my purse a few weeks ago. I didn't wanna get fully dressed or anything as there was no point but mum had to pick the kids up at 3 so I did want to look somewhat appropriate for when they arrived. Instead of using foundation, which I felt was a bit too heavy for a day in, I just wore my Collection Concealer in 01 Fair and my Rimmel Stay Matte Powder in 002 Peach Blossom, with my Real Techniques Powder Brush. I usually use 001 Translucent but when I went to repurchase they had sold out so tried the next shade which seems to give me a nicer colour than the lighter one. I've really been enjoying it as it fits nicely with the summer and being tanned and makes me look less white than usual! Its been nice to not be fully caked in makeup as the concealer gives enough coverage but still feels smooth and fresh on your face. A definite staple for those summery, hot days.

I also painted my nails last night as I was pretty bored, hadn't painted them in a while and they've grown quite a lot recently so thought they would look nicer. I used Essie's Eternal Optimist as a base which is a lovely warm pink and then added Sinful Colours' Frenzy on top in a slight gradient to add some purple glitter and shine in an ombré to my nails. I love the effect it gives!!
The kids were whinging a lot to play Cluedo so I finally caved in and played. I'd forgotten how much I used to love playing it! AND I won 2 games out of 3. Kids- 0, Sophie- 1.
For a chilled out day I actually feel shattered and can't wait for an early night. A movie before bed is definitely in order. 10 Things I Hate About You or The Hangover...? Hmm, decisions, decisions.
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